Yoni steaming is a healing practice used by women dating back to ancient times. It is called a Yoni Steam rather than a vaginal steam because the word “Yoni” describes the women’s reproductive system in it’s entirety. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning “vagina”, “womb”, and “origin of life”.
Yoni steams are used to exfoliate and revitalize your yoni. Giving you a chance to reconnect with your body while experiencing the healing power of medicinal herbs to heal your cycle. Some common uses for steaming are: * reducing pain and bloating associated with cycle. * decrease menstrual flow & reduce dark purple/ brown blood at the end or onset of cycle. * Regulate irregular cycles. * Increase fertility. * Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, or endometriosis. * Assist with the repair of a vagina tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar. * Relieve yeast infections, maintain healthy odor. * Ease menopause, or dryness and pain during intercourse. * Detoxify the womb, remove toxins from the body. * Release stored emotions and tap into creative energy. The best results happen when you repeat this process 2-3x a month. Not to be used during pregnancy or while menstruating. Do not steam if you have any open wounds or sores as this can irritate the yoni more. My particular blends were created by herbs I chose specially and organically that I believed would make the perfect herbal mix for women who want to enjoy the benefits of steaming. If you are unsure of which blend to choose I recommend looking at the list of herbs I’ve provided and pick the ones you feel most resonate with your body. You can’t go wrong with either blend! They will both bring you relief and a connection to your yoni you can’t replace. I want all women to feel powerful and beautiful and understand the energy your yoni holds within you. Healthy women are happy women! Revitalize your yoni today. 💛 -blumooons
note: If you have more questions or concerns, the link below can provide further details (: